We've taken 40% off the prices of a bunch of our most popular ebooks for students. Each of the titles featured below is reduced by 40% until August 25, 2010!

Ebooks for iPhones, iPads, PCs, Macs, Sony Readers, mobile phones ...

A vast range of ebooks from the world's leading academic, popular and professional publishers

Meyer, Herbert E.; Meyer, Jill M.
Storm King Press
The New York Times' William Safire calls How to Write 'The most helpful book the beginning writer can buy.' No wonder it's sold more than 200,000 copies worldwide! Whether you are a student, a professional - or an aspiring writer ...
Woods, Geraldine
For Dummies
In many settings, you are how you speak. Bad grammar can stop people in their tracks, whether that’s in school or in careers. With fun and easy exercises, this workbook is ideal for students, people who need better grammar to advance in ...
Princeton Review
Princeton Review
Zegarelli, Mark
For Dummies
Manage your time and ace the mathematics section of the SAT. Scoring well on the mathematics section of the SAT exam isn't guaranteed by getting good grades in Algebra and Geometry. Turn to SAT Math For Dummies for expert advice on translating ...
Hasik, James; Rudnick, Stacey; Hackney, Ryan
Get into your dream b-school with help from the experts!. You're ready for the next step in your education: business school. Whether you are newly graduated college student or have been in the workforce for a while, you'll need to prepare ...
Siebert, Al; Karr, Mary
Practical Psychology Press
Straus, Jane
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation is filled with easy-to-understand rules,real-world examples, dozens of reproducible exercises, and pre- and post-tests. This handy workbook is ideal for teachers, students in middle school through college, ...
Conner, Marcia L.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (US)
How everyone can maximize his or her learning potential Who doesn’t want to have the ability to learn more? In this revolutionary book, Marcia Conner distills her renowned learning solutions into an easy-to-use ten-step program that can help ...
Ingermanson, Randy; Economy, Peter
For Dummies
The tricks of the trade to writing compelling, concise fiction. So you want to write a novel? This easy-to-follow guide provides step-by-step instruction on everything an aspiring writer needs to know, from conducting research to crafting a unique ...
Orr, Fred
Allen & Unwin
Studying successfully at high school, college or university requires more than discipline, diligence and determination. Students must also come to grips with a crucial range of essential skills if they wish to turn toil into triumph. Study ...
Black, Christopher; Anestis, Mark
McGraw-Hill's SAT will help you prepare for the big exam with its valuable features and interactive test-taking practice online!. McGraw-Hill's SAT is now equipped with new additions to better meet your needs. The guide teaches critical ...
Turkington, Carol
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (US)
Boost your memory and unlock your mind. This new Self-Teaching Guide (STG) is the ideal accompaniment to any learning adventure. Presented here are step-by-step methods that allow readers to boost memory power and cultivate tools for ...